Farm Fresh


Currently we offer sides of beef, garden produce, home baked goods and bagged hay for small animals. Because we’re a small farm there’s always a demand. Currently sides of beef are sold out for June and July. We’re booking sides for August. We offer a small selection of steaks, roasts and hamburger.  Contact us about availability and read more of what’s coming below.

Contact Us

Pastured Beef 

Our Holsteins are pastured on our grass and eat the hay we grow. We grain finish our cattle, allowing them to eat some grains that provides them with the fat they need. We don’t believe in hormones and our meat is antibiotic free. Read about our beef here.

The Moos want to know what is going on.

The Farm Stand 

Check our Facebook Page to see what’s available before it sells out. We will have spinach and lettuce in late May. Bags of micro greens and cartons of  peas, beats and tomatoes will follow. Garlic is harvested in July! 

Baked Goods 

We offer a variety of amazing cookies at our stand. Gingersnaps, peanut butter oatmeal, shortbread etc. Baking days are usually towards the end of the week, but we do special occasion orders!